
Volta AI

AI-First Startup Support

Tailored support to accelerate AI Innovation from Concept to Product Market Fit.

We offer comprehensive support across six key areas:

Problem Validation

Customer Acquisition

MVP Design

Customer Success

MVP Development

Investment Readiness

Partnering with Dalhousie University and leading cloud providers (Microsoft Azure, AWS), this program is focused on helping teams accelerate their market traction for their AI First startup.

We're looking for founders with a Vision for AI

  • Targeted Product Development: Your team must have a clearly defined target customer and a specific problem you're aiming to solve.
  • Location: At least one co-founder must be based in Atlantic Canada.
  • Technical Expertise: Ensure your team includes at least one technical co-founder who can build and enhance the AI technology.
  • AI Integration: AI should be a central component of your solution.
  • Scalability: Your product must have the potential to scale in terms of user base, data processing, and functionality.
  • Value Growth: The product’s value should increase as AI models improve in quality and capabilities.
  • Ethical AI: Commit to ethical AI development, ensuring fairness, transparency, and regulatory compliance.
  • Commitment: Each team member must be dedicating at least 20 hours per week to the startup.
  • AI at the Core: You are incorporating AI as a core component of your solution.
  • Growth Mindset: Your team is committed to continuous learning and value feedback and support on your journey.
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Volta Tailored Support

Our tailored support is assessed individually for each startup. 

A customized support plan is developed based on the team's stage of growth and progress to date.

Pre-Revenue | Early Adopter Funnel

  • Find the early adopters who will help you build your product.
  • Define target audience and buyer personas
  • Gather data and validate your core problem hypothesis (i.e. what makes you different/valuable)
  • Refine the scope of your product to increase the speed of product cycles
  • Validate your product design through interacting with the market (e.g. solution interviews)
  • Define an early adopter offer that converts
  • Close your initial customers

Post-Revenue | Product Market fit

  • Find the customers that will accelerate your growth.
  • Refine problem hypothesis and target audience
  • Define go-to-market strategy
  • Design and implement growth experiments
  • Identify and resolve friction in onboarding sequences/usability
  • Accelerate growth to increase investment attractiveness
  • Identify ideal investors and define outreach strategy
  • Ensure you have what investors are looking for (e.g. financial models, cap tables, etc.)
  • Participating teams also get access to a dedicated workspace within the Volta offices (AI Hub).
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Dalhousie Faculty of Computer Science Partnership

Technical Workshops and Seminars: 

ShiftKey will host AI-focused workshops featuring experts from the Faculty of Computer Science, Volta, and industry partners. These sessions, designed for Volta and ShiftKey startups, will also be open to the public to explore AI.

Access to Resources and Tools: 

ShiftKey will also offer support programs through ShiftKey Academy to assist participants seeking professional Cloud certifications (Azure, AWS). These workshops will give participants a chance to learn the certificate curriculum from experts, reducing the self-study workload in favour of engaging, in-person content, with room for questions and feedback.
Hackathons and Competitions:
ShiftKey, known for its engaging hackathons in Nova Scotia, will expand to host AI-focused challenges involving students, startups, and industry. Each challenge will explore different AI themes (e.g., healthcare, climate, oceans) and feature workshops and mentorship from industry and academic experts.

Internship and Talent Pipeline: 

In collaboration with Volta, ShiftKey will help full-time students launch AI startups. It offers two teams access to workshops, mentorship, $1500 in funding, and workspace. The program covers AI fundamentals, startup methodology, product development, and business skills, with Demo Days to showcase progress.

Cloud and AI Partnership Support

Note: Access to these credits are dependant on specific program criteria
Microsoft Azure:

Cloud Hosting and Compute Credits:
Provides startups with Azure credits for hosting and computational resources.

Educational Resources:
Access to Microsoft’s educational materials, training sessions, and technical support.
AWS (Amazon Web Services):

Cloud Infrastructure Credits:
Offers AWS credits for scalable cloud infrastructure and services.

Technical Guidance:
Provides training programs, webinars, and one-on-one technical support for startups.
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Funding Partners

Scale AI

Through our partnership with Scale AI provide funding support for AI-first startups participating in our program. Scale AI will offer financial assistance to eligible startups, enabling them to enhance their AI capabilities and drive commercialization. This support includes funding for AI exploration, scoping advisory, internships, proof of concept, and other essential activities. 

By collaborating with Scale AI, we aim to ensure that startups have the necessary resources to develop, validate, and scale their AI-driven solutions, fostering innovation and growth in the AI ecosystem.


We actively collaborate with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and the National Research Council (NRC) to identify AI-first startups that meet their funding criteria. Leveraging the expertise and resources of ACOA and NRC, we ensure startups align with their strategic objectives. Both organizations provide funding opportunities for eligible startups, supporting their growth and development.

These partnerships maximize resource utilization and enhance the success rates of AI-driven startups across Atlantic Canada and nationally, fostering innovation and economic growth in the AI sector.


What is an “AI First” Startup?

An AI-First Startup is a company that integrates artificial intelligence into its core business model, products, and operations from inception. Here are the key characteristics and areas of focus for such startups:

Key Characteristics:

AI as the Foundation:
AI-first startups build their businesses with AI at the core, using it as the primary driver for innovation, product development, and decision-making.

Proprietary Data and Models:
These startups often rely on proprietary data and unique AI models to create competitive advantages, offering solutions that are difficult for others to replicate.

Real-Time Problem Solving:
They leverage AI to provide real-time insights, automate processes, and solve complex problems quickly and efficiently.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:
AI-first startups continuously learn and improve from the data they collect, refining their models and algorithms to enhance performance and user experience.

Key Areas of Focus:

Data Strategy:
Developing a robust data strategy is crucial. This involves collecting high-quality, relevant data and ensuring data privacy and security.

AI Capabilities:
Building strong AI capabilities, including hiring top AI talent, investing in research and development, and creating a culture of innovation.

Vertical Focus:
Often, these startups focus on specific industries or verticals where AI can provide significant value, such as healthcare, finance, or logistics.

Problem-Solution Fit:
Ensuring that their AI solutions address real, pressing problems faced by their target market.

How long can startups get this support?

The length of support for startups is determined by their performance, evaluated every 90 days based on team engagement, market traction, and the technology they are developing. Startups demonstrating consistent progress in these areas can receive support for up to 2 years. This performance-based approach ensures that resources are allocated to teams that are actively advancing toward their objectives and making significant strides in their market and technology development.