Volta/CDL Investment Day

Elevate Your Startup with Venture Capital at Volta Investment Day, Atlantic Canada's Premier Pitch Event This Spring!

Apply to Pitch:
You can apply here.
Apply to PitchWhat Pitching Companies Can Expect

Must be based in Atlantic Canada.

Business Model Validation:
Demonstrates progress with validating business model and revenue streams, refining their pricing strategies and exploring various monetization options.

Interest in Raising VC Capital:
Should be actively seeking venture capital funding.

Financial Projections:
Provides financial projections, outlining how you plan to use the investment and how you expect the business to grow over the next few years.

MVP/Product in Market:
Must have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or a product in the market.

Brand Building:
Has started to establish brand identity, positioning, online presence, and messaging that resonates with their target market and key stakeholders.

Early Adopter Users/Paying Customers: Ideally, should have early adopter users or even some paying customers.

Pitch Deck and Pitch Video:
Have a well-prepared pitch deck and a pitch video ready.

Market Traction:
Demonstrates market traction and the potential for growth.

Fundraising History:
Provides details of any past fundraising efforts, dilutive and/or non-dilutive.